The Himba in Namibia

The Himba in Namibia

During a
trip to Namibia
, one of the most unique experiences is to visit and get to know the tribe of the Himba. Originally from Angola, they are currently located in the north of the country, in the
area of Epupa Falls

The Himba are one of the most famous tribes in Africa, along with the Maasai and the Bushmen, for example. They are a semi-nomadic people who live mainly from the grazing of their livestock composed of cows and goats. So in the mornings you only see the women and children because the men are out with the animals.

Himba women are responsible for building the mud and wooden houses where they live, carrying water, cooking, taking care of children and even shaving men. Himba women are characterized by their reddish color that they have to spread their bodies with a mixture of ocher, cow butter and ash that protects them from the sun and keeps their skin and hair clean since for them it is forbidden to wash with water. Her leather skirts are striking as well as her hairstyles and ornaments that indicate the social position of this within the tribe, if she is single, married, widowed, mother or if she has menstruation.

On a visit to a
Himba village
, you have to keep respect for the tribe and their customs and try to spend time with them and enjoy the moment to the fullest instead of taking many pictures with the camera because we are not before a tourist attraction! Better to save the moment in our retina than in some photos saved in the cloud. In return, as a thank you we can buy them a piece of crafts or costume jewelry that women and children can offer us during the visit. Better to pay them in kind such as sugar or rice than with money, because with money they rarely do anything but they will give it to the chief of the tribe or the owner of the camp.

On a trip to Namibia a visit to a Himba tribe is an incredible experience that will change our minds forever. In recent years it has unfortunately been exploited commercially, so it is advisable to have the experience of consultants specializing in travel to Namibia to live a truly unique experience and not a tourist attraction more.
Talk to us
and we will be happy to create a tailor-made trip to Namibia.


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